Utility Flares
PEI designs and manufactures Utility Flare Systems and stand-alone Utility Flares with up to 100:1 turndown (absolute minimum of 10 SCFM) for optimum utilization with landfill or digester gas destruction requirements. PEI Utility flares provide excellence in high efficiency combustion and odor control applications.
PEI Utility Flares meet or exceed all known, current air quality regulatory management agency requirements for non-verifiable, high efficiency combustion devices.
These combustion devices allow the operator the ability to control both the fuel gas nozzle and the combustion air entrance louvers while the systems are in operation.
Utility Flares are currently employed as remediation devices where air quality regulations do not require "in field" verification of either emissions or reduction / destruction efficiencies.
PEI Utility Flares are designed and manufactured in compliance with EPA's CFR 40, Section 60.18 requirements.
A description of the theoretical by-products of combustion & destruction efficiency
- Meets CFR 40, §60.18 Design Criteria
- Insulated Stainless Steel Wind Shield
- Stainless Steel Burner Components
- Stainless Steel Propane Pilot Assembly
- Low Supply Pressure Requirement
- Thermocouple Flame Recognition For Maximum Reliability
- Ground Level Adjustable Gas Orifice and Air Dampers
- UBC 100 MPH Wind Design
- Heavy-duty 4 leg "cross" Mounting System
- Complies With United States EPA Requirements For Non-Assisted Flares
- Excellent Flame Stability
- Long Burner Life – Resistant To Heat & Corrosive Gases
- No Ladder Or Bucket Trucks Needed For Adjustments
- Reduces Blower HP Requirements
PEI Utility Flares are the ideal solution for simple, low cost installations where
EPA’s 40 CFR, § 60.18 is the basis for regulatory compliance.
The flare is designed to satisfy the minimum requirements of simple LFG
combustion, and with a long list of options, is suited for integration into
complex combustion and control systems.
Fully integrated blower/flare skids are available in many different combinations.
Additional Features
- Fully Automatic Orifice Control (PLC Controlled)
- Redundant Thermocouples
- Standing LFG Pilot
- Other Fuels and Waste Gases
- Variable Flow and Pressure Control Systems
- UL Listed Flame Safeguard Controls
- Automatic Flow Rate Control For Balancing Energy Delivery Systems